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International students

Students support high skill, high wage jobs in the education sector

After weeks of speculation following Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s suggestion that his Government was considering a cap on the number of international students in Melbourne and Sydney, Minister Coleman cautioned against calls to cut the number of international students in Australia, saying that “students support high skill, high wage jobs in the education sector – a big positive for our economy”.

“students support high skill, high wage jobs in the education sector – a big positive for our economy”

Minister Coleman’s remarks are in contrast to weeks of speculation that the Government was considering a cap on the number of international students in Melbourne and Sydney.

Urban Student is pleased that the Government has changed is tact. We would also endorse Mr Coleman’s thoughts on encouraging younger migrants (including students) as taxpayers vs. older migrants who would need to be supported through their retirement; “the best economic results generally come from migrants who are skilled and young. Our policies should reflect that fact”.

It’s worth noting again, that education services generated $30 billion in export revenue last year, four times as much as beef and five times as much as wheat.